Home Workout
AMRAP 20:00
20 Pike Push-up
30 Star Jump
20 Kick Sit (each side)
30 Superman
20 Push-up
30 Jumping Jack
20 V-up
For load:
Standing Press 6-6-6-6
(make consistent increases)
For time:
Double Under
For reps:
:30 Bench Press 135/95
:30 Rest
:30 Standing Press 95/65
:30 Rest
:30 Weighted Dip 45/25
3 rounds:
3:00 to complete.
250m Row
Bench Press 135/95 (match test set)
(rest with remaining time)
3 rounds:
3:00 to complete.
250m Row
Standing Press 95/65 (match test set)
(rest with remaining time)
3 rounds:
3:00 to complete.
250m Row
Weighted Dip 45/25 (match test set)
(rest with remaining time)
Deload for testing on Saturday.
Power Snatch
70% 5×2
Power Clean & Push Press
70% 5×2
Tempo Weighted Sit-up (:04 ecc) 15-15-15

“The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself.”
~Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton