Bench Press
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
AMRAP 7:00
7 Power Clean 115/75
7 Front Squat 115/75
7 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
Cycle 6/Week 3
Bench Press
8(L) 5(M) 1(MH) 3(H)
9-12-15 (decreasing load)
No rest between exercises.
Machine Incline Press
Machine Low Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
9-12-15 (decreasing load)
No rest between exercises.
Machine Pullover
Machine Decline Press
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Calorie Row
3 rounds for quality:
7 Seated Arnold Press
9 Hanging Leg Raise (weighted)
11 Banded Kang Squat
Block Snatch (AK) + OH Squat
50% 2(2+1)
55% 2(2+1)
(pause at bottom of squat for snatch and the OHS)
Block Snatch (AK)
60% 1×3
65% 1×2
70% 3×1
Snatch Deadlift
85% 3×3
Back Squat
70% 3×3
With a partner for time:
500m Row
400m Row
300m Row
200m Row
1000m Row
(alternate each distance with a partner)
Muscle Snatch
4×4 (M)
3-Position Snatch (Hip-AK-BK)
5(1+1+1) (M)
Snatch Deadlift
4×4 (M)
Back Squat
4×4 (M)
Cycle 2/Week 2
Bench Press
6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) 6(H)
(increase weight of final set each week)
Tempo Bench Press (:04 ecc)
8(M) 8(MH)
Incline Dumbbell Fly
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
(increase weight of final set each week)
Cross Bench Pullover
15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
(increase weight of final set each week)
Alternating-Arm Dumbbell Curl
8(L) 8(M) 8(H)
(increase weight of final set each week)
3 sets:
Biceps Curl 21’s
(alternate sets with a partner)

“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”