Push Press
12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
For time:
Hang DB Snatch (Left arm) 50/35
Calorie Bike
Hang DB Snatch (Right arm) 50/35
Calorie Bike
Week 1
2 rounds: (very light)
12 Single-Arm Pullover
12 Lying Side Adduction
12 Supine Scaption
Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) (each arm)
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) (each arm)
Complete with as little rest as possible: (chipper style)
50 Chest Press
50 Lat Pulldown
50 Pec Deck
50 Rear Delt Fly
3 rounds:
10 Dumbbell Curl
15 Wrist Curl
10 Dumbbell Skull Crusher
15 Wrist Extension
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Power Snatch
70% 1×5
75% 1×5
80% 1×3
85% 1×3
90% 1×2
Front Squat (:03 eccentric, :01 pause)
4 sets:
10 Glute Ham Raise (GHD)
12 Steps Walking Lunge (alt. legs – quad focused)
6 Single-Leg Hamstring Curl (each leg)
4 rounds each for time: (rounds start every 8:00)
20 Toes to Bar
30 Wall Balls 20/14
400m Run
50′ DB Front Rack Lunge (2xDB) 50/35
(rest in remaining time)
4 sets:
15 Tempo GHD Sit-ups (:05 eccentric, :05 pause at parallel)
:30 Weighted Plank 90/60
60% 1×3
65% 1×3
70% 1×3
75% 1×1
80% 2×3
Snatch Pull
90% 2×3
100% 3×2
Back Squat
60% 1×4
65% 1×4
70% 1×4
75% 1×4
2 rounds:
20 Reverse Hyper
20 Nautilus Ab
Cycle 1/Week 1
Bench Press
6 sets of 2 at 80%
Fat Bar Pull-up
5 sets (pick reps)
(choose reps that you can complete for all 5 sets)
Dumbbell Bent Row
15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
Dumbbell Pullover
15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
Seated Alt-Arm Dumbbell Curl
15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
3×15 (M)
“Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.”
~John Dewey