Bench Press
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
For time:
Dumbbell Bench Press 50/35
Dumbbell Snatch (two dumbbells) 50/35
Calories Assault Bike
Cycle 1/Week 3
Close Grip Bench Press + Bench Press
3+3 (L)
3+3 (M)
3+3 (MH)
3+3 (H)
3 rounds:
No restbetween exercises.
8-12 Pec Deck
8-12 Machine Dip
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
No restbetween exercises.
8-12 Rear Delt Fly
8-12 Seated Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
No restbetween exercises.
12-15 Plate Raise
12-15 Triceps Pushdown
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds for quality:
500m Assault Bike
20 Med Ball Lunge (with a twist)
10 Single Leg Toes to Bar
For total time:
500m Row
50 Air Squat
(1:00 rest)
500m Row
50 Wall Ball 20/14
(2:00 rest)
500m Row
50 Wall Ball 30/20
Snatch From Blocks
2 Waves:
3(L) 2(M) 1(H)
Back Squat
70% 5×5
“Death by Double Unders”
Every 1:00 until failure…
10 Double Under (unbroken)
*+10 Double Unders each round
70% 2×2
75% 1×1
80% 3×1
85% 2×2
Snatch Pull
90% 1×3
100% 1×3
110% 2×2
Back Squat
50% 1×3
60% 1×3
70% 1×3
80% 1×1
85% 1×3
Nordic Curl
3 sets (pic reps)
Incline Sit-up
3 sets (pic reps)
Cycle 4/Week 3
Bench Press
65% 1×5
75% 1×5
85% 1×5
80% 1×5
70% 1×5
Sling Shot Bench Press
95% 2×3
Dumbbell Fly
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
Bent Dumbbell Row
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
Cable Row
4×15 (M)
Rear Delt Fly
4×15 (M)

“All who joy would win must share it. Happiness was born a Twin.”
~Lord Byron