Seated Row
15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
“Air Force”
For time:
20 Thruster 95/65
20 Sumo-High Pull
20 Push Jerk
20 Overhead Squat
20 Front Squat
(4 burpees every minute)
Cycle 4/Week 3
Trap Bar Deadlift
8(L) 5(M) 3(MH) 3(H)
Good Morning
8(L) 8(M) 8(H)
Farmers Carry
4x 80m
(alternate with a partner)
2 rounds:
20 Reverse Hyper
20 Nautilus Ab
(alternate with a partner)
Workouts released at Noon on Friday.
AGQ Wod 1
AGQ Wod 2
Cycle 1/Week 3
Single-Leg RDL
3×8 (M)
Single-Leg Hip Thrust
3×10 (M)
Back Extension
3×15 (0)
Ab Wheel
3 sets (pick reps)
Farmers Carry
4x 80 (M)

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”
~Vincent Van Gogh