Power Clean
3(L) 3(M) 3(MH) 3(H)
For time:
400m Run
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95
400m Run
Week 1
2 rounds:
12 Banded Good Morning
8 Cossack Squat (over and back is one)
12 Back Extension
Trap Bar Deadlift
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
3 rounds:
40m Sled Push
40m Sled Pull
40m Backwards Drag
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
Back Extension (pick reps)
Plank Hold (pick time)
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Power Clean & Jerk (push or split)
70% 1×5
75% 1×5
80% 1×3
85% 1×3
90% 1×2
Back Squat (:03 eccentric, :01 pause)
4 sets:
8 Leg Extension
15 Manual Partner Hamstring Curl
12 Hip Thrust
For time:
Calorie Ski
Power Snatch 95/65
4 sets:
15 Tempo Strict Toes to Bar (:05 eccentric)
:15 Weighted Tuck-Hang Hold 25/15
Cycle 1/Week 1
Back Squat
6 sets of 2 at 80%
Pause Deadlift (:01 BK)
45% 1×2
55% 1×2
65% 1×2
60% 1×2
50% 1×2
Barbell Shrug
15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
Back Extension
3 sets (pick reps)
Ab Wheel
3 sets (pick reps)

“It is difficult to separate, at times, the myth from the truth.”
~Bob Kane