Monday 3/19/12
For total load: Every 1:00 for 15:00 1 Clean & Jerk AMRAP 7:00 1 CTB Pull-up 1 Cluster 155/105 2 CTB Pull-up 2 Cluster 3 CTB Pull-up 3 Cluster etc….. “He conquers who endures.” ~Persius Persius
For total load: Every 1:00 for 15:00 1 Clean & Jerk AMRAP 7:00 1 CTB Pull-up 1 Cluster 155/105 2 CTB Pull-up 2 Cluster 3 CTB Pull-up 3 Cluster etc….. “He conquers who endures.” ~Persius Persius
9:00a Competitors Training 10:00a CrossFit Skills 11:00a Stretch Class 12:00p Gymnastics Class 1:00p-3:00p Open Gym
CrossFit Open 12.4 AMRAP 12:00 150 Wall Ball Shots 90 Double Unders 30 Muscle Ups “Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself.” ~Chinese Proverbs
For time: 800m Run 21 T2B 800m Run 15 T2B 800m Run 9T2B “Excellence is not an act but a habit. The things you do the most are the things you will do the best.” ~Marva Collins
For total load: Every 1:00 for 20:00 2 Power Cleans For time: 15-12-9 Burpee KBS 70/44 “The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” ~Epictetus
For time: 40 Wall Balls 30 Pullups 20 HSPU 30 Wall Balls 20 Pullups 10 HSPU 20 Wall Balls 10 Pullups 5 HSPU I got this little beauty from Rob Orlando owner of Hybrid Athletics. “Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice
9:00a Competitor Training 10:00a CrossFit 11:00a Stretch Class 12:00p Gymnastics Class 1:00p Barbell Class 2:00p Open Gym 3:00p Open Gym “What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now.” ~Buddha