AMRAP 1:00
Rope Climbs
5 rounds for total reps:
Strict Pull-ups
(rest 1:00)
3 rounds for calories + reps:
1:00 Russian Kettlebell Swing 53/35
1:00 Double unders
1:00 Row for Calories
1:00 Rest
CrossFit Competitor
Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch + Snatch High Pull
70% 1+1+1
75% 1+1+1, 1+1+1
80% 1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1
Based on Power Snatch 1RM
Clean Pull
90% 2×3
100% 3×2
For time:
30 Clean & Jerk 135/95
For time:
25 GHD Sit-ups
25 Toes to Bar
25 Weighted Sit-ups 53/35
75% 2×3
80% 3×2
Clean + Jerk
80% 2+1, 2+1, 2+1, 2+1
Snatch Pull (no toes)
90% 2×4
100% 3×3
Behind the Neck Press (med grip)
3×8 -choose weight-
Barbell Sit-up
3×5 -choose weight-
“Each man delights in the work that suits him best.”
~Homer, The Odyssey