4 rounds for load:
3 Eccentric Chin-up (:08 ecc)
8 Gorilla Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
For time:
1 Mile Run
2k Row
1 Mile Run
For time:
6 Ring Muscle-up
18 GHD Sit-up
6 Ring Muscle-up
18 GHD Sit-up
6 Ring Muscle-up
18 GHD Sit-up
6 Ring Muscle-up
5 rounds for load: (constant load)
12 Blokz Bench Press
12 Gorilla Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
For time:
1 Mile Run
2k Row
1 Mile Run
70% 1×3
75% 1×3
80% 1×3
85% 3×1
Power Clean
70% 2×2
75% 2×2
80% 2×2
Push Press
70% 2×3
80% 3×2
Strength & Hypertrophy

“Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon.”
~Horatio Nelson