For total reps:
Every 2:00 for 10:00
Max Unbroken Strict Pull-up (use assistance to get 5+)
For total time:
2001m Row
3 rounds-
200m Burden Run 35/25 (plate)
9 Handstand Push-ups
11 DB Box Step-ups 1×50/35
Week 1
2 rounds: (very light)
12 Lateral Raise
12 Front Raise
12 Rear Delt Fly
Wide Grip Pulldown
12(L) 10(M) 8(H) 15(MH)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8-12 Shoulder Press
8-12 Lateral Raise
8-12 Dip
(alternate rounds with a partner)
EZ Bar Biceps Curl
12(L) 10(M) 8(H) 15(MH)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercies.
12 Plate Circle (both directions)
12 Plate Side to Side (over and back is one)
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Rope Triceps Pushdown
12(L) 10(M) 8(H) 15(MH)
Power Clean
70% 3+1
75% 2+1
80% 1+1
75% 3+1
80% 2+1
85% 1+1
80% 3+1
85% 2+1
90% 1+1
Deadlift (:03 eccentric, :01 pause on floor)
4 sets:
10 Strict Toes to Bar
15 Weighted Sit-up
:20 Weighted Plank
For time:
2001m Row
110 DB Box Step-up 2×50/35, 20″
3 rounds for time with a partner:
60yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/90 (each)
40yd Sled Push Shuttle 225/160 (each)
20yd Sled Push Shuttle 315/225 (each)
80yd Farmer Carry 70/53
(rest 2:00)
At a moderate load:
3-Position Power Clean
6(1 AK + 1 BK + 1 Floating)
At a moderate load:
Clean High Pull 3-3-3-3
At a moderate load:
Front Squat 3-3-3-3
Incline Sit-up
2 sets (pick reps)
Back Extension
2 sets (pick reps)
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
~Maya Angelou