For load:
Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
(make consistent increases)
Every 1:00 for 15:00
Min 1: 3 Rope Climb
Min 2: 10 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/35
Min 3: 15 Box Jump 24/20
Cycle 6/Week 3
Barbell Shoulder Press
8(L) 5(M) 1(MH) 3(H)
Pullover & Press
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
AMRAP 7:00
(each set unbroken. if you fail, start back at 1)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
12 Plate Circles (both directions)
12 Plate Side to Side (over and back is 1)
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Triceps Pushdown
4×15 (M)
3 rounds for quality:
7 Strict Chin-up
9 Single-Arm/Leg V-up (each side)
11 Bird Dog Knees to Elbow (each side)
Block Clean (AK) + Front Squat + Jerk
60% 2+1+1
65% 2+1+1
Block Clean & Jerk (AK)
70% 2×1
Clean Pull
80% 3×3
Clean Deadlift
90% 2×2
Pause Front Squat (:03 pause at bottom) + Front Squat
70% 3(1+2)
4 rounds for time:
1000m Assault Bike
75 Double Under
25 Burpee to 6″ reach
(2:00 rest between rounds)
Clean from blocks
4×3 (M)
Clean High Pull
4×4 (M)
Barbell Box Step-up
3×8 (M)
3 rounds:
15 Leg Extension
15 Hamstring Curl
2 rounds:
15 Back Extension
15 Incline Sit-up

“I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair.”
~Alfred Lord Tennyson