3 rounds:
10 Bent Barbell Row
10 Bicep Curls
10 Rear Delt Fly
(alt. rounds with partner)
3 rounds:
30 Pull-up
30 Hand Release Push-up
30 Russian KB Swing 53/35
(rest 3:00 between rounds)
3 rounds for load:
60′ Yoke Carry
60′ Sled Push
(rest 3:00 between rounds)
4 rounds:
10 Bent Barbell Row
10 Strict Chin-up
10 Rear Delt Fly
(alt. rounds with partner)
For time:
Bar Muscle-up
Devil Press 50/35
3 rounds each for time: (slowest is score)
500m Assault Runner
(rest as needed)
70% 2×2
75% 1×1
80% 2×1
85% 2×1
Clean Pull
100% 2×3
110% 2×2
Weighted Plank Hold
3x :20 (H)

“The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity.”
~Douglas Horton