For Time:
50 Double Under
30 Ball Slam 20/14
30 Burpee to Plate
50 Calorie Row
30 Box Jump
30 Russian KB Swing 53/35
50 Sit-up
30 Hang DB Clean & Jerk 50/35
30 Air Squat
50 Double Under
3 rounds no measure:
2:00 Assault Bike
2:00 Assault Runner
2:00 Ski Erg
2:00 Row
2:00 Rest
Stretch & Recover
At a moderate load:
Hang Power Clean (BK) + Hang Clean (AK) + Front Squat
At a moderate load:
Clean Pull 4×4
At a moderate load:
Leg Press 3×12
At a moderate load:
Hip Thrust 3×12
At a moderate load:
Reverse Hyper 3×12

“Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve.”
~Erich Fromm