“Half Murph”
For time:
800m Run
50 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
150 Squats
800m Run
(you may partition the gymnastics)
CrossFit Competitor
For load:
Weighted Bar Dips 5-3-1-3-5
(rest as needed)
For time:
Ring Muscle-ups
(alternate with a partner)
10 rounds for time:
3 Box Jumps
5 CTB Pull-ups
7 Handstand Push-ups
Power Snatch
70% 3×3
75% 2×3
80% 2×2
Clean Pull
100% 4×3
Front Squat
70% 2×3
75% 3×2
Weighted Sit-up
25-20-15 -Choose Weight-
“We have more ability than will power, and it is often an excuse to ourselves that we imagine that things are impossible.”