4 rounds:
12 Bench Press
Max Reps Strict Pull-up
(rest 2:00 between rounds)
7 rounds for time:
3 Wall Walk
7 Russian KB Swing 70/44
11 Ring Row
Week 2
2 rounds: (light)
12 Plate Circle (both directions)
12 Plate Side to Side (over and back is one)
12 Overhead Triceps Extension
4 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8 Dumbbell Incline Press
8 Dumbbell Pullover
(alternate rounds with a partner)
4 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
10 Machine Dip
10 Upright Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
12 Seated Hammer Curl
12 Dumbbell Skull Crusher
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
15 Lateral Raise
15 Triceps Pushdown
(alternate rounds with a partner)
For time:
75/60 Calorie Ski
30 Power Clean 95/65
30 Handstand Push-up
20 Power Clean 135/95
20 Strict Handstand Push-up
10 Power Clean 185/125
10 Wall Facing Handstand Push-up
75/60 Calorie Ski
For quality:
Strict Ring Pull-up
Strict Ring Dip
3 sets:
12 Seated Row
15 Incline DB Curl
2 rounds for time:
80-60-40-20m Shuttle
Sled Push (increasing load)
Sandbag Carry (bear hug)
(1:1 rest after each set)
*rest after the push AND carry
**reset weight after the first 20m shuttle
70% 2×2
75% 1×2
80% 2×2
Clean Pull
100% 3×3
Front Squat
80% 3×3

“If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing.”
~Napoleon Bonaparte