Weighted Pull-up
3(L) 3(M) 3(MH) 3(H)
*follow each set with 20 band pull apart.
(if lat pulldown inrease reps to 8)
“Nichole Loves CrossFit”
3 rounds for time:
400m Run
24 DB Walking Lunge (1xDB) 50/35
12 Toes to Bar
Week 2
2 rounds: (very light)
12 External Rotation
12 Face Pull
12 Cuban Press
Dumbbell Incline Press
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
Dumbbell Pullover
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
Machine Dip
15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8 EZ Bar Front Raise
8 EZ Bar Curl
8 EZ Bar Press (supinated grip)
(same weight for all exercises)
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Triceps Pushdown
(use a weight that you can do 12-15 reps with)
2 rounds for quality:
200m Row
10 Elevated Heel Pistol Squat
10 Walk Outs
10 Hanging Leg Lift Overs
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch
70% 1+1
75% 1+1
80% 1+1
85% 1+1
6 rounds for total reps + calories:
1:00 Calorie Row
1:00 Burpee
1:00 Double Under
1:00 rest
AMRAP 45:00
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Strict Pull-up
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
15 GHD Sit-up
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Strict HSPU
70% 3×3
Clean Pull
90% 4×4
Front Squat
70% 4×4
Barbell Bent Row
8(L) 8(M) 8(H)
Weighted Back Extension
2×12 (M )

“If you want to grow old as a pilot, you’ve got to know when to push it, and when to back off.”
~Chuck Yeager