4 sets for reps:
Max Reps Strict Pull-up
Max Reps Bar Dip
(2:00 rest)
For total time:
5 rounds –
20 Double Under
10 Russian KB Swing 70/44
(3:00 rest)
5 rounds –
10 Burpee
20 Double Under
Week 1
2 rounds: (light)
12 Plate Circle (both directions)
12 Plate Side to Side (over and back is one)
12 Overhead Triceps Extension
4 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8 Dumbbell Incline Press
8 Dumbbell Pullover
(alternate rounds with a partner)
4 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
10 Machine Dip
10 Upright Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
12 Seated Hammer Curl
12 Dumbbell Skull Crusher
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
15 Lateral Raise
15 Triceps Pushdown
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Every 1:00 for 24:00 (6 rounds)
Minute 1 – 200/160m Ski
Minute 2 – 4 Power Snatch 155/105
Minute 3 – 6 Bar Muscle-up
Minute 4 – Rest
“Strict Nicole”
AMRAP 20:00
400m Run
Max Unbroken Strict Pull-up
3 sets:
10 Seated Row
15 Incline DB Curl
8 rounds for load:
20m Sled Push
20m Farmer Carry
(rest as needed)
70% 1×3
75% 1×1
80% 2×3
Clean Pull
90% 1×3
100% 1×3
110% 2×2
Front Squat
75% 3×3
Back Extension
2 sets (pick reps)

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
~Thomas A. Edison