21:00 for Distance Rowed:
Every 3:00 for 21:00
20 Burpee Over the Bar
10 Clean & Jerk 135/95
Row for Distance
(share work anyhow with a partner)
Bench Press
5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H)
Weighted Ring Dip
12(L) 10(M) 8(H) 15(MH)
For max reps: (each movement)
:30 Bar Muscle-up
1:30 Rest
:30 Strict Handstand Push-up
1:30 Rest
:30 Toe to Bar
3 rounds:
3:00 to complete –
1000/750m Assault Bike
Bar Muscle-up (match reps from :30 test)
(rest with remaining time)
(rest 3:00)
3 rounds:
3:00 to complete –
1000/750m Assault Bike
Handstand Push-up (match reps from :30 test)
(rest with remaining time)
(rest 3:00)
3 rounds:
3:00 to complete –
1000/750m Assault Bike
Toes to Bar (match reps from :30 test)
(rest with remaining time)
Drill (minimal weight)
Tall Clean 4×3
70% 3×3
At a moderate load:
Deficit Clean Pull 4×4
Bulgarian Split Squat
2×8 (M)
Back Extension
2×12 (M)
Hamstring Curl
3×15 (M)
“I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks.”
~Daniel Boone