Holiday Hours:
9:00a-12:00p Open Gym
“Burn the Bird”
5 rounds for time with partner:
500m Row
40 KB Swing 53/35
30 Burpee Over Rower
200m Run (together)
Bench Press
Build to a heavy 1
80% of heavy 1: 3×4
Weighted Ring Dip
10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(0)
*increase the (H) set from last week
5 rounds for time:
3-7 Ring Muscle-up
10 Hang Power Snatch 115/85
50 Double Under
(alt. round with partner)
For time:
2000m Assault Bike
9 Wall Walks
21 Burpee to 6″ reach
6 Wall Walk
15 Burpee to 6″ reach
3 Wall Walk
9 Burpee to 6″ reach
70% 1×3
75% 1×3
80% 2×2
Deficit Clean Pull
80% 2×3
90% 2×2
Bulgarian Split Squat
3×8 (M)
Back Extension
3×12 (M)
Hamstring Curl
3×12 (M)

“The real business of life is trying to understand each other.”
~Gilbert Parker