“Kelly has a Friend”
5 rounds for time with a partner:
400m Run (together)
30 Box Jump 24/20
30 Wall Ball 20/14
(share work anyhow)
For load:
Every 2:00 for 10:00
1 Jerk
(make consistent increases)
3 rounds:
8-12 Weighted Dip
Max Rep Strict HSPU
(rest 2:00 between rounds)
For time:
21 Overhead Squat 115/85
21 Burpee Over the Bar
30′ Handstand Walk
15 OH Squat
15 Burpee Over the Bar
30′ Handstand Walk
9 OH Squat
9 Burpee Over the Bar
30′ Handstand Walk
5 sets at a moderate load:
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean (BK) + 1 Clean
At a moderate load:
Deficit Clean Pull 4×4
Bulgarian Split Squat
3×8 (0)
Back Extension
3×12 (0)
Hamstring Curl
3×15 (M)

“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”
~Napoleon Hill