4 rounds for load: (constant load)
12 Dumbbell Pullover
8 Bent Barbell Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
2 rounds for time:
80yd Farmers Walk 70/53
60 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
40 Burpee
Power Clean (T&G)
Build to a heavy set of 5
For time:
150 Double under
Deadlift (T&G)
Build to a heavy set of 10
For time:
150 Double under
4 rounds for time:
15 Russian Kettlebell Swing 70/53
15 Weighted Sit-up 25lbs
70% 1×3
75% 1×3
80% 1×3
Clean Pull
100% 2×3
110% 2×2
3 rounds:
10 Leg Extension
15 Leg Press
20 Standing Calf Raise
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Weighted Back Extension 3×12

“Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.”
~John Dewey