For load:
Blokz Bench Press 8-5-3-3-3
(make consistent increases)
3 rounds for time:
7 Power Snatch 95/65
14 Overhead Squat
21 Hang Power Clean
28 Shoulder to Overhead
Manual Hamstring Curl 2×15
No measure:
1 Mile Run
Back Squat
60% 1×5
65% 1×5
70% 1×5
80% 1×5
AMRAP 10:00
30 Snatch 75/45
30 Snatch 135/75
30 Snatch 165/100
Snatch 210/120
(snatch any style)
70% 1×3
75% 1×3
80% 2×2
Snatch Pull
100% 3×3
Back Squat
60% 1×5
65% 1×5
70% 1×5
80% 1×5
Barbell Sit-up 10-8-6-15
Strength & Hypertrophy
Deload Week
Back Squat
35% 1×5
45% 1×5
55% 1×5
60% 1×5
65% 1×5
At a moderate load:
Super Squat 5-5-5-5
(make consistent increases)
Walking Lunge 3×8 Steps (each leg)
Sissy Squat 3×10

“Performances are always more interesting to me when something is at stake.”
~Kirsten Prout