Weighted Bar Dips 7-5-3-5-7
(leave a rep in the tank each set)
*follow each set with 1 legless rope climb
(strict, controlled movement. no bounce)
5:00 Handstand Push-ups :05 eccentric
3:00 Ring Dips with :05 eccentric
1:00 Ring Muscle Downs :05 to complete movement
6 Kipping Pull-ups (not butterfly)
3 DBall Over the shoulder 150/100
3 DBall Over the shoulder 150/80
*follow each set with 1 legless rope climb
(strict, controlled movement. no bounce)
5:00 Strict Ring Muscle-ups
3:00 Ring Dips with :05 eccentric
1:00 Ring Muscle Downs :05 to complete movement
10 Calories arms only on the Assault Bike
10 Kipping Pull-ups (not butterfly)
20 Calories arms only on the Assault Bike
“Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates.”
~Magic Johnson