0:00-10:00 to complete.
5 rounds for time:
7 Handstand Push-up
14 Parallette Pass Through
10:00-20:00 to complete.
3 rounds for time:
40 Double under
20 Hand Release Push-up
20:00-30:00 to complete.
For time:
50 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20
No measure:
Assault Air Runner
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
15 Tube External Rotation
25 Band Pull Apart
10 Ring Row
15 Band Face Pull
For time:
1 Ring Muscle-up + 8 Ring Dip
1 Ring Muscle-up + 7 Ring Dip
1 Ring Muscle-up + 6 Ring Dip
1 Ring Muscle-up + 5 Ring Dip
*continue until complete at 1 Ring Dip
AMRAP 7:00
1 Strict Pull-up + 1 Kipping Pull-up + 1 Bar Muscle-up
(each round unbroken)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8-12 Seated Row
8-12 Pullover
8-12 Axle Bar Curl
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Aerobic Capacity
3 rounds:
2:00 Air Runner
1:00 Box Step-Up
1:00 Bear Crawl
2:00 Row
1:00 OH Plate Hold
1:00 Side Plank (:30 each side)
2:00 Ski/Bike/Skip Rope
1:00 Plank Shoulder Tap
1:00 Hurdle Step Over
At a moderate load:
Split Power Clean (blocks bk) + Split Jerk
3(2+2) -choose weight-
Pause Jerk (:02 in bottom)
70% 2×2
75% 1×1
80% 2×2
At a moderate load:
Press In Split 4-4-4-4
2 rounds:
15 Incline Sit-up
15 Back Extension (45 degree)

“Counsel woven into the fabric of real life is wisdom.”
~Walter Benjamin