For load:
Dumbbell Step-up 8-8-8
(8 reps each leg)
For time:
400m Run
15 Back Squat 225/155
400m Run
12 Back Squat
400m Run
9 Back Squat
2 rounds:
12 Prone Incline Lateral Rasie
12 Prone Incline Front Raise
12 Lying Side Adductions
20 Band Triceps Pushdown
20 Band Pull Apart
For load:
Weighted Chin-up
Weighted Dip
(rest 1:30 between rounds)
For total reps:
Every 1:00 for 10:00
Ring Muscle-up
*start every minute wit 20 double under.
(choose reps prior to start. unbroken)
For load:
Bench Press
Bent Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
70% 2×2
75% 1×1
80% 2×1
85% 2×2
Power Clean
80% 5×2
Push Press
75% 2×2
80% 1×1
85% 2×1
90% 2×2
Weighted Dip 5-4-3-2-1
(make consistent increases)
Overhead Triceps Extension 9-12-15
(decreasing load)

“A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.”
~Henry David Thoreau