50 DBall Over the Shoulder 150/80 (alternate every rep)
100 Calories on the Assault Bike (rotate every 10 cal)
150 Air Squats (alternate every rep)
200 Double unders (alternate at every break)
*based on power clean 1rm
*follow each set with 1 legless rope climb
250m Row + Ring Dips (match reps completed in :30)
250m Row + Push-ups (match reps completed in :30)
2 Split Power Cleans (blocks) + 2 Split Jerks
(make consistent increases)
(rest 2:00 between rounds)
(use the same weight on all sets. do not push to failure)
Odd min: 8 *Seated Kettlebell Overhead Press
Even min: 8 Bent Dumbbell Row
(do not push to failure. *seated on ground)
(rest :30 between rounds. use same weight on all sets)
Clean + Push Press + Power Jerk
8 Arnold Press
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.”
~Abigail Adams