The Governor has ordered gyms to close as of 8:00p on Monday, June 29th.
For load:
Single-Leg RDL 8-8-8
(make consistent increases)
“Air Force”
For time:
20 Thruster 95/65
20 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull
20 Push Jerk
20 Overhead Squat
20 Front Squat
*4 Burpees at the top of each minute (including first minute).
No measure:
Calorie Assault Bike
Calorie Ski Erg
For load & reps:
Every 1:00 for 10:00
Odd min: 3 Weighted Dip
Even min: Ring Muscle-up
(choose reps and load prior to start. unbroken)
4 rounds for load: (constant)
8 Bench Press
8 Seated Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
6 rounds for total reps:
1:00 to complete.
15/12 Calorie Row
Max Pull-up
(rest 1:00 between rounds)
70% 2×2
75% 1×1
80% 2×1
85% 3×1
Power Clean
70% 2×2
75% 2×2
80% 2×2
Push Press
80% 3×3
Weighted Dip 8-8-8-8
(make consistent increases)
Overhead Triceps Extension 8-8-8-8
(make consistent increases)

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery