Walking Lunge (steps each leg)
12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
For time:
200m Farmer Carry 53/35
25 Thruster 95/65
50/40 Calorie Assault Bike
25 Thruster
200m Farmer Carry
Machine Squat
10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H)
Hamstring Curl
20(L) 15(M) 10(H)
Leg Press
20(L) 15(M) 10(H)
Leg Extension
20(L) 15(M) 10(H)
2 rounds:
40m Backwards Sled Drag
40m Sled Pull
40m Sled Push
(alternate rounds with a partner)
1:00 Plank Hold (during rest)
3 rounds for quality:
:30 Russian Twist
15 Banded Face Pull
10 Tempo GHD Sit-up (to parallel – :05 eccentric)
:30 Weighted Wall Sit
Every 1:00 for 5:00
1 Snatch at 70%
Slow Pull Clean Deadlift (:05 concentric) + Clean Pull
90% 3(1+2)
Pause Jerk (:02 in dip / :02 in split)
50% 3×2
Every 1:00 for 5:00
1 Jerk at 70%
12 rounds for time with a partner:
15 Bar Facing Burpee
12 Chest to Bar Pull-up
9 Thruster 135/95
(alternate rounds with partner, 6 rounds each)
70% 2×3
75% 3×2
Tempo Jerk Dip (:04 ecc)
85% 2×3
Power Clean
70% 2×3
75% 2×3
Push Press
70% 1×3
75% 1×3
80% 2×3
Close Grip Bench Press
8(L) 8(M) 5(MH) 5(H)
Overhead Triceps Extension
15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
Cycle 4/Week 2
Back Squat
35% 1×8
50% 1×5
60% 1×3
70% 1×1
80% 1×1
85% 1×5
Pause Squat
75% 2×1
Walkout (:10 hold)
105% 1×1
Reverse Hyper
2×20 (M)
Weighted Plank Hold
3x:20 (M)

“All we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.”
~Charles Kingsley