3 rounds for reps + calories:
1:00 Assault Bike for Calories
1:00 Kelltlebell Swings 53/35
1:00 Burpees to a plate
1:00 DBall Slams 20/14
1:00 Rest
Competitor 1
Bench Press
Work to a heavy set of 5
85% of heavy set 4×3
*follow each set with 3 bar muscle-ups
For load & reps:
Every 1:00 for 10:00
Odd min: 3 Power Cleans
Even min: Strict Handstand Push-ups
(choose reps prior to start. unbroken)
6 rounds for time:
12 Burpees to a plate
2 Rope Climbs
12 GHD Sit-ups
Competitor 2
3 rounds:
500m Row at 2k pace
250m Recovery Row
For time:
Dumbbell Squat Clean 50/35
Deficit Strict Handstad Push-ups 4’/2′
Burpees to a plate
for load:
Every 1:00 for 10:00
3 Power Clusters
(add 10lbs/5lbs each set)
For time:
50 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
50 GHD Sit-ups
50′ Hand Walk
3 rounds:
500m Row at 2k pace
250m Recovery Row
Pause Power Snatch + Drop Snatch
4(2+3) -choose weight-
Pause Power Clean + Clean & Jerk
4(3+1) -choose weight-
BTN Press
8-8-5-5 -choose weight-
GHD Sit-ups
Weighted Dips
DB Lateral Raises
“Wisdom begins in wonder.”