For load:
Power Clean 3-3-2-2-2
AMRAP 20:00
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Sit-ups
(alternate rounds with a partner)
CrossFit Competitor
Power Clean + Thruster
70% 2+2
75% 2+2
80% 1+1, 1+1
85% 1+1
90% 1+1, 1+1
based on thruster 1rm
Power Clean & Push Press
80% 1×2
90% 2×1
65% 1×5+ (t&g)
based on push press 1rm
For total time:
20 rounds:
1 CTB Pull-up + 1 Toes to Bar
(rest 2:00)
15 rounds:
1 Toes to Bar + 1 Bar Muscle-up
(rest 2:00)
10 rounds:
15′ Hand Walk + 1 Strict HSPU
For time:
500m Row
50 Double unders (unbroken)
400m Row
40 Double unders (unbroken)
300m Row
30 Double unders (unbroken)
Muscle Clean
4×3 -choose weight-
Clean High Pull
80% 4×3
Front Squat
70% 4×4
Drop Snatch
4×3 -choose weight-
AMRAP (1:30)
Abmat situps