For load:
Back Squat 4×6
(rest as needed)
For time:
40 Cal. Airdyne
60 Cal. Row
800m Run
120 Double Unders
CrossFit Competitor
Power Clean
2×3 80%
3×2 85%
For time:
70 Double Unders
35 Burpees
7 Ring Muscle-ups
50 10′ Wall Ball Shots 20/14
7 Ring Muscle-ups
35 Box Jumps 24/20
7 Ring muscle-ups
70 Double Unders
80% 2×2
85% 2×1
90% 2×1
Power Clean
80% 2×2
85% 2×2
90% 1.2.1
Push Press
80% 2×3
85% 2×1
90% 1×1
95% 1×1
“If we get everything that we want, we will soon want nothing that we get.”
~Vernon Luchies