Back Squat
4(L) 4(M) 4(MH) 4(H)
*10 Banded Good Mornings after each set
“Holly is on Fire!”
For time:
800m Run
4 rounds-
8 Deadlift 255/175
40 Sit-up
Week 1
2 rounds: (very light)
10 TKE (each leg)
10 Reverse Lunge
10 Glute Bridge
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Back Squat
(use a weight that you can do 12-15 reps with)
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Russian Kettlebell Swing
(use a weight that you can do 12-15 reps with)
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Leg Press
(use a weight that you can do 12-15 reps with)
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Russian Kettlebell Swing
(use a weight that you can do 12-15 reps with)
2 rounds for quality:
200m Ski
10 Alternating Arm DB Press
10 Archer Push-ups
10 Ring Row
4 rounds for time:
10 Burpee Over Line
50′ DB Front Rack Lunge (2xDB) 50/35
25/20 Calorie Assault Bike
50′ DB Front Rack Lunge (2xDB)
10 Burpee Over Line
(1:1 rest between sets)
For quality:
3 rounds –
400m Row (fast)
200m Row (easy)
5 rounds –
100m Row (SPRINT)
700m Row (recovery pace)
Bench Press
*4 Weighted Chin-up after every set
With a partner for time:
Bar Muscle-up
(alternate sets with partner)
Jerk Balance
4×3 (bar)
Pause Jerk (:02 in dip)
4×3 (M)
Floating Power Clean
4×3 (M)
Push Press (from Back)
4×4 (M)
Close Grip Bench Press
4×8 (M)
Cycle 2/Week 1
Back Squat
35% 1×8
50% 1×5
55% 1×3
65% 1×1
75% 1×5
1/4 Squat
3(M) 3(MH) 3(H)
Machine Squat
8(M) 8(H)
2 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
20 Donkey Calf Raise
20 Tibia Raise
2 rounds:
20 Reverse Hyper
:30 Wt Plank Hold

“I have had more trouble with myself than with any other man.”
~Dwight L. Moody