Back Squat
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
AMRAP 15:00
Wall Ball Shot 20/14
Toes to Bar
Week 3
8 rounds:
:10 Assault Bike (hard)
:20 Assault Bike (easy)
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Machine Squat
(use a weight that you can do 12-15 reps with)
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Russian Kettlebell Swing
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Leg Press
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Hip Thrust
Complete with as little rest as possible:
50 Calf Raise
Push Press + Jerk
90% 4(1+1)
(% based on push press 1RM)
Bench Press
Build to a Heavy 5
75% of Heavy 5: 3×10
4 rounds for total reps:
AMRAP 3:00
400m Run
Max Calorie Row
(1:00 rest between rounds)
4 rounds for total reps:
AMRAP 3:00
400m Ski
Max Handstand Push-up
(1:00 rest between rounds)
3 sets:
6-10 DB Shoulder Press
10-15 Rolling DB Skull Crusher
70% 2×2
75% 1×1
80% 1×1
85% 2×1
90% 3×1
Power Clean
70% 2×3
80% 3×2
Close Grip Bench Press
5(L) 5(M) 3(MH) 3(H)
Overhead Triceps Extension
12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
Lateral Raise
3×15 (M)
Cycle 1/Week 6
Back Squat
55% 1×5
65% 1×5
75% 1×5
70% 1×5
60% 1×5
Machine Squat
8(L) 8(M) 8(H)
Reverse Hyper
15(L) 15(M) 15(H)
Nautilus Ab
15(L) 15(M) 15(H)

“One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea.”
~Walter Bagehot