For load:
Thruster 5-5-3-3-3
(rest as needed)
AMRAP 8:00
8 Box Jumps 24/20
8 Toes to Bar
8 Push Press 95/65
CrossFit Competitor
For time:
Rope Climb 15′
(alternate rounds with partner)
For load:
Snatch 3×3 (T&G)
(rest as needed)
3 rounds for time:
400m Run
50 Double unders
(rest 1:00)
Power Clean + Hang Clean
75% 2+2, 2+2
80% 1+2, 2+1, 1+1
85% 1+1, 1+1
Snatch Pull
100% 2×3
+10kg 2×2
Front Squat
80% 2×3
85% 2×2
90% 2×2
“Know that you are your greatest enemy, but also your greatest friend.”
~Jeremy Taylor