Gym Hours: 7a-11a
Dumbbell Lunge
6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) 6(H)
*follow each set with 8 DB Romanian Deadlift
6 rounds for time:
21 Calorie Row
15 KB Swing 53/35
9 KB Goblet Squat
Week 1
8 rounds:
:10 Bike
:20 Rest
Partner Hamstring Curl
3×8 (constant resistance)
Tempo Bulgarian Squat (:04 ecc)
3×8 (0)
Single-Leg Glute Bridge
3×8 (both sides)
Tempo Leg Extension (:04 ecc)
3×8 (M)
Weighted Plank Hold
3x :30 (M)
2 rounds: (pick reps)
Standing Calf Raise
Tibialis Raise (dorsiflexion)
For quality:
1000m Assault Bike
500m Row
250m Ski
-Banded Stretches-
3 rounds for time:
50 Double Under
10 DBall Clean 100/80
50 Double Under
15 DBall Squats 100/80
(2:00 Rest)
Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch (AK) + Snatch
60% 2+2+2
65% 2+1+2
70% 2+1+1
75% 1+1+1
80% 1+1+1
Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean (AK) + Clean + Jerk
60% 2+1+1+1
65% 2+1+1+1
70% 2+1+1+1
75% 1+1+1+1
80% 1+1+1+1
5 rounds for distance:
AMRAP 2:00
250/200m Ski Erg
Max Shuttle Run (2×25′ = 1)
Cycle 2/Week 2
2 waves:
70% 1×1
75% 1×1
80% 1×1
85% 1×1
Power Clean
70% 2×2
75% 2×2
80% 2×2
Push Press
75% 2×3
85% 3×2
Barbell Sit-up
3×8 (M)
Transition Cycle
Leg Press
3×12 (M)
Walking Lunge
3×12 (steps each leg) (M)
Machine Squat
3×12 (M)
Hamstring Curl
3×12 (M)
Single-Leg Calf Raise
3 sets (pick reps)
Russian Twist
3×15 (M)
Sorenson Hold
2x :20

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giant.”
~Isaac Newton