Front Squat + Back Squat
3+3(L) 3+3(M) 2+2(MH) 2+2(H)
AMRAP 9:00
9 Thruster 95/65
27 Double Under
Week 2
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
12 Leg Extension (M)
12 Hamstring Curl
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Split Squat
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH)
4 rounds:
40m Sled Pull (M)
25 Air Squat
40m Sled Pull (M)
25 Russian Kettlebell Swing (M)
80m recovery Walk
3 rounds for quality:
15/12 Calorie Ski
10 Half Kneeling DB Press (each arm/leg)
15 Empty Bar Good Morning
5 Inch Worm to Upward Dog
Push Press
55% 1×8
60% 1×8
65% 1×8
70% 1×8
Strict Press
Build to Heavy 8
2×8 @ 85% of heavy 8
For time:
50/40 Calorie Assault Bike
3 rounds:
10 Devil Press (2xDB) 50/35
10 DBall Over the Shoulder 100/80
50/40 Calorie Assault Bike
4 rounds for quality:
12 DB Incline Bench Press
12 DB Incline Biceps Curl
12 DB Incline Fly
AMRAP 30:00 – 40:00
Zone 2 Bike or Run
Cycle 1/Week 2
Pause Jerk (:02 in dip)
55% 1×3
60% 1×3
65% 1×3
70% 2×3
(based on C&J 1RM)
At a moderate load:
Jerk in Split 3-3-3-3
(learn the movement)
Behind the Neck Push Press
60% 1×3
65% 1×3
70% 1×3
75% 2×3
(based on Push Press 1RM)
Alt. DB Lateral Raise & DB Upright Row
3×10 (both movements)
Barbell Overhead Triceps Extension
3×12 (M)
Plank Hold
1x 1:00
Cycle 3/Week 1
Back Squat
55% 1×5
65% 1×5
75% 3×5
(approximate percentages)
Machine Squat (different machine than last cycle)
2×8 (M)
(same weight for entire cycle)
Reverse Hyper
2×20 (M)
Machine Calf Raise
3×15 (M)
Weighted Plank Hold
2x :30 (M)

“Raising kids is part joy and part guerrilla warfare.”
~Ed Asner