20 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
Odd min: Handstand Push-up
*start each minute with 20 double under
(choose reps prior to start. unbroken)
No rest between exercises.
(constant load. alternate rounds with a partner)
No rest between exercises.
(constant load. alternate rounds with a partner)
250m Row + Ring Muscle-up (match test set)
(rest with remaining time)
250m Row + Handstand Push-up (match test set)
(rest with remaining time)
250m Row + Ring Dip (match test set)
(rest with remaining time)
4 rounds for total distance:
Hang Power Snatch (BK) + Power Snatch
Hang Power Clean (BK) + Power Clean & Jerk
(based on 1rm clean)
“You’re only as young as the last time you changed your mind.”
~Timothy Leary