3 rounds:
:30 Copenhagen Plank (each side)
1:00 Tall Plank (on hands)
For time:
600m Run
50 Wall Ball 20/14
40 DB Lunge Steps 50/35
30 Toe to Bar
200m Run
3 rounds for time:
20yd Dball Carry 100/80
20yd Sled Push 180/135
20yd Dball Carry 150/100
20yd Sled Push 225/180
(rest 3:00 between rounds)
3 rounds:
10 Tempo Ring Pull-up (:03 ecc)
10 DB Gorilla Row
(alt. rounds with partner)
For time:
15 Bar Muscle-up
21 Calorie Assault Bike
27 Burpee to 6″
33 Box Jump Over 24/20
Deload for Masters State Championships/Testing
Power Snatch
70% 4×2
Power Clean + Push Press
70% 3(2+2)
Cycle 1/Week 4 (deload)
Back Squat
35% 1×5
45% 1×3
55% 1×1
60% 1×1
65% 2×2
Good Morning
2×8 (M)
Bulgarian Split Squat
2×8 (0)
Hamstring Curl
2×12 (M)
Single-Leg Calf Raise
2×20 (0)

“Saying and doing are two things.”
~Matthew Henry