Tuesday 1/30/24

Back Squat

5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H)
*10 Banded Good Mornings after each set

“Mama Marin”
For time:

1000/800m Row
50 Goblet Squat 53/35
30 Toes to bar


Week 3
2 rounds: (no weight)

8 Step Down (each leg)
8 Single-Leg RDL
8 Single-Leg Glute Bridge

Tempo Squat (:04 ecc/:02 pause)
6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) 6(H)

Tempo RDL (:04 ecc/:02 pause)
6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) 6(H)

3 rounds:
20 Calf Raise
20 Tibia Raise

AMRAP 12:00
20 Calorie Row
:20 Wall Sit
20 Steps Walking Lunge
:20 Plank Hold


2 rounds for quality:

200m Ski
10 Alternating Arm DB Press
10 Archer Push-ups
10 Ring Row

For quality:
10 Jumping Bar Muscle-up

(1:00 rest)

3 rounds –
3 Bar Muscle-up (singles)
*try to catch with straight arms*
2 Shuttle Runs (2×25′ = 1)
(1:00 rest after all three rounds)

10 Jumping Bar Muscle-ups

3 rounds for time:
10 Bar Muscle-up
20 Strict Handstand Push-up
30 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Ball 20/14
(2:00 rest between rounds)

Bench Press
*5 Weighted Chin-up after each set

:30 Row (fast pace)
1:30 Row (easy pace)
*repeat until 3000m


Jerk Balance

4×4 (bar)

Pause Jerk (:02 in dip)
4×3 (L/M)

Floating Power Clean
4×4 (L/M)

Push Press (from Back)
4×4 (L/M)

Close Grip Bench Press
4×8 (L/M)


Cycle 1/Week 4 (deload)
Back Squat

35% 1×8
50% 1×5
55% 1×3
60% 1×3
65% 1×5

1/4 Squat
80% 2×5

Machine Squat
3×8 (M)

Donkey Calf Raise
Tibia Raise

2 rounds:
20 Reverse Hyper
:30 Wt Plank Hold

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.”
~Thomas Paine

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