“Countdown Sets”
Incline Press
“Countdown Sets”
Wide Grip Pulldown
“Countdown Sets”
Decline Press
“Countdown Sets”
Seated Row
“Countdown Sets”
Triceps Extension
“Countdown Sets”
Biceps Curl
“Countdown Sets”
Choose a weight that you can do for 15 reps (fresh).
Set 1: 10 Reps
:10 Rest
Set 2: 9 Reps
:09 Rest
Set 3: 8 Reps
:08 Rest
Continue to 1 rep….
Push Press
80% 6 sets of 6
Back Squat
80% 6 sets of 6
Cycle 3/Week 2 (peaking)
Close Grip Blokz Bench
5×5 (M)
(not heavy. move the bar fast)
Dumbbell Fly
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
Weighted Dip
8(0) 6(L) 6(M) 1(MH) 6(H)
Skull Crusher
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
12 Plate Raise
12 Overhead Triceps Extension
(alternate rounds with a partner)

“Happiness depends upon ourselves.”