Upper Body
Pec Deck
Wide Chest
Triceps Pushdown
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Rear Delt Fly
Seated Row
Biceps Curl
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Lateral Raise
Shoulder Press
Standing Shrug
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Supinated Pulldown
Seated Dip
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
30 Gripper
30 Band Pull Apart
3 rounds:
60yd Shuttle Run
60yd Sled Push Shuttle 90/45
60yd Shuttle Run
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
60yd Shuttle Run
60yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/90
60yd Shuttle Run
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
60yd Shuttle Run
60yd Sled Push Shuttle 180/135
60yd Shuttle Run
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Power Snatch
80% 5×2
Push Press
70% 1×3
75% 1×3
80% 1×3
85% 1×3
90% 1×3
4 rounds:
12 Seated Row
20 Band Pull Apart
4 rounds:
12 Standing Shrug
12 Rear Delt Fly
Strength & Hypertrophy
Close Grip Bench Press
*percentage based on Bench Press 1RM
4 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8 Tempo Lateral Raise (:04 ecc)
8 Shoulder Press at 55%
(rest 1:30 between sets)
4 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8 Tempo Overhead Triceps Ext (:04 ecc)
8 Weighted Dip
(rest 1:30 between sets)
EZ Bar Front Raise 3×8
Skull Crusher 3×8
Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown 4×12

“Where all men think alike, no one thinks very much.”
~Walter Lippmann