Upper Body
Close Grip Bench Press 6-6-6-6-6
(make consistent increases. stop prior to failure)
Bent Barbell Row 12-10-8-6
(make consistent increases. stop prior to failure)
Weighted Dip 6-6-6-6-6
(make consistent increases. stop prior to failure)
Upright Row 12-10-8-6
(make consistent increases. stop prior to failure)
Incline Dumbbell Fly 12-10-8-6
(make consistent increases. stop prior to failure)
Dumbbell Bent Lateral Raise 12-10-8-6
(make consistent increases. stop prior to failure)
AMRAP 5:00
30yd Sled Push Shuttle 180/135
(alternate rounds with a partner)
200m Farmers Walk 53/35 (with partner)
AMRAP 5:00
50yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/90
(alternate rounds with a partner)
200m Farmers Walk 53/35
AMRAP 5:00
30yd Sled Push Shuttle 180/135
(alternate rounds with a partner)
For load:
Axle Push Press
4-4-2-2-2 -choose weight-
AMRAP 12:00
14 Russian KBS
12 Ring Row
10 Goblet Squat
200m Row
Hang Snatch High Pull
4×4 -choose weight-
Power Snatch (floating)
65% 2×3
70% 2×3
75% 2×3
Single-Leg RDL
8-8-8 -choose weight-
Weighted Dip
3-3-3-3-3 -choose weight-
3 rounds:
:40 Plank Hold
:20 Sorenson Hold
“Listen to many, speak to a few.”
~William Shakespeare