Upper Body
Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
(increase weight on last set by10lbs/5lbs from last week)
EZ Bar Pullover 8-8-8-8
Two Step Hammer Strength Incline Press 8-8-8
(two step: pause half way up on each rep)
Two Step Seated Row 8-8-8
(two step: pause half way up on each rep)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8 Tempo Pec Deck (:04 ecc)
10 Hammer Strength Wide Chest
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8 Tempo Supinated Pulldown
10 Preacher Curl
(alternate rounds with a partner)
6 rounds:
60yd Shuttle Run
60yd Sled Push 135/90
60yd Shuttle Run
60yd Farmers Walk 53/35
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Power Snatch
70% 1×2
75% 1×2
80% 3×2
Push Press (from back)
70% 1×3
75% 1×3
80% 2×2
Romanian Deadlift 4×4
4 rounds:
6 Seated Row
15 Band Pull Apart
(alternate rounds with a partner)

“Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.”
~Clare Boothe Luce