Holiday Hours:
8:00a-10:00a Open Gym
Upper Body
Weighted Dip 6-5-4-3
(make consistent increases)
Weighted Chin-up 6-5-4-3
(make consistent increases)
Skull Crusher 10-8-6-15
(make consistent increases. decrease on final set)
Seated EZ Bar Curl 10-8-6-15
(make consistent increases. decrease on final set)
Overhead Cable Triceps Extesnion 10-12-14-16
(decreasing load)
Biceps Curl 10-12-14-16
(decreasing load)
Single-Arm Band Triceps Pushdown 3×25
Gripper 3×25
3 rounds:
20yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/90
40yd Sled Push Shuttle
60yd Sled Push Shuttle
80yd Sled Push Shuttle
200m Recovery walk
(alternate shuttles with a partner)
Power Snatch
70% 4×3
Push Press
70% 4×4
Bent Barbell Row 10-10-10
Front Pulldown 10-10-10
3 rounds:
12 Rear Delt Fly
12 Face Pull
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Strength & Hypertrophy
Cycle 3 / Deload Week
Reverse Grip Bench Press
35% 1×8
45% 1×5
50% 1×3
55% 1×3
*based on Bench Press 1RM
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
2×8 (M)
Upright Row
2×8 (M)
Skull Crusher
2×8 (M)
Cable Triceps Pushdown
2×12 (M)

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
~Benjamin Franklin