Upper Body H.I.T
3 rounds: (8a/9a/5p)
8-12 Hammer Strength Front Military Press
6-8 Tempo Pec Deck (:05/:05)
8-12 Hammer Strength Decline Press
(alternate rounds with a partner)
8-12 Hammer Strength High Row
6-8 Tempo Nautilus Rowing Torso (:05/:05)
8-12 Hammer Strength Low Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
8-12 Hammer Strength Shoulder Press
6-8 Tempo Nautilus Multi-Triceps (:05/:05)
(alternate rounds with a partner)
6-8 Tempo Nautilus Multi-Biceps (:05/:05)
8-12 Hammer Strength Standing Shrug
(alternate rounds with a partner)
20yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/90
*follow each round with a 200m recovery jog
(alternate shuttles with a partner)
10 DB Box Step-up (each leg)
8-12 Single-Arm Row of Choice (:01 pause against torso)
1:00 Lateral Box Step-overs
Clean + Push Press + Push Jerk
(based on 1rm push press)
(same weight as last week)
“I think Little League is wonderful. It keeps the kids out of the house.”
~Yogi Berra