Halloween Hours
No Evening Hours
Upper Body
For load:
Tempo Single-Arm Front Pulldown (:03 ecc/:03 con) 8-6-4
(make consistent increases)
For load:
Tempo Horizontal Chest Press (:03 ecc/:03 con) 10-8-6
(make consistent increases)
For load:
Tempo Single-Arm Seated Row (:03 ecc/:03 con) 8-6-4
(make consistent increases)
For load:
Tempo Decline Press (:03 ecc/:03 con) 10-8-6
(make consistent increases)
For load:
Tempo Single-Arm Low Row (:03 ecc/:03 con) 8-6-4
(make consistent increases)
For load:
Tempo Wide Chest (:03 ecc/:03 con) 10-8-6
(make consistent increases)
5 rounds:
20yd Sled Push Shuttle 180/135
(alternate shuttle with a partner)
60yd Farmers Walk 70/53
4 rounds:
40yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/90
(alternate shuttle with a partner)
60yd Farmers Walk 70/53
3 rounds:
60yd Sled Push Shuttle 90/45
(alternate shuttle with a partner)
60yd Farmers Walk 70/53
For load:
Sumo Deadliftt
AMRAP 15:00
200m Farmers Carry
1:00 Plank Hold
15 Goblet Squat
Power Snatch
70% 4×3
Push Press
70% 1×3
75% 4×3
Romanian Deadlift
4×4 -choose weight-
Tempo Seated Dip (:04 ecc) 8-8-8-8
(make consistent increases)
Lateral Raise 15-12-10-8
(make consistent increases)
3 rounds:
:40 Plank Hold
:20 Rest

“Because power corrupts, society’s demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.”
~John Adams