Upper Body
10-12-14-16 (decreasing load)
Chest Press
Front Pulldown
(alternate rounds with a partner)
10-12-14-16 (decreasing load)
Shoulder Press
Seated Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
10-12-14-16 (decreasing load)
Seated Dip
Upright Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
10-12-14-16 (decreasing load)
EZ Bar Front Raise
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
(alternate rounds with a partner)
10-12-14-16 (decreasing load)
Biceps Curl
Triceps Extension
(alternate rounds with a partner)
5 rounds:
10yd Sled Push 225/180
20yd Shuttle Run
10yd Sled Push
(alternate rounds with a partner)
4 rounds:
20yd Sled Push 180/135
40yd Shuttle Run
20yd Sled Push
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
30yd Sled Push 135/90
60yd Shuttle Run
30yd Sled Push
(alternate rounds with a partner)
2 rounds:
40yd Sled Push 90/45
80yd Shuttle Run
40yd Sled Push
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Power Snatch
70% 1×3
75% 1×3
80% 2×3
BTN Push Press (behind the neck)
85% 3×3
Supinated Pulldown 8-8-8-8
Single-Arm Seated Row 8-8-8-8
Face Pull
Rear Delt Fly
Strength & Hypertrophy
Cycle 2/Week 3
Reverse Grip Bench Press
35% 1×8
45% 1×8
50% 1×8
60% 1×8
*percentage of bench press 1RM
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 8-8-8-8
(peak week. go as heavy as possible on last set)
Weighted Dip 8-8-8-8
(peak week. go as heavy as possible on last set)
Upright Row 8-8-8
Incline Skull Crusher 8-8-8-8
(peak week. go as heavy as possible on last set)
Alt-Arm Side and Front Raise 3×8 (each way)
Triceps Pushdown 4×12

“Advice is like snow – the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.”
~Samuel Taylor Coleridge