Upper Body
“DC Sets”
“DC Sets”
Chest Press
“DC Sets”
Seated Row
“DC Sets”
Shoulder Press
“DC Sets”
EZ-Bar Curl
“DC Sets”
Flex Triceps Extension
*”DC Sets”
Choose a weight that allows 8-12 reps.
Set 1: Do as many controlled reps as possible.
Rest: 15 Deep Breaths
Set 2: Same weight. As many controlled reps as possible.
Rest: 15 Deep Breaths
Set 3: Same weight. As many controlled reps as possible.
Rest: 15 Deep Breaths
Set 4: Same weight. Hold the halfway position as long as possible.
8 rounds:
30yd Sled Push 135/90
60yd Shuttle Run
30yd Sled Push
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Power Snatch
70% 2×2
80% 4×2
Push Press (from back)
70% 2×2
80% 4×2
Increase weight on last set from last week.
Close Grip Bench Press 3-3-2-2-2
(make consistent increases)
Increase weight on last set from last week.
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12-10-8-8
(make consistent increases)
“Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error.”