CrossFit Competitor
For total reps:
Every 1:00 for 10:00
Odd min: Ring Muscle-ups
Even min: Strict Handstand Push-ups
(start every 1:00 with 20 Double unders)
For time in teams of 3:
80 Push-ups (hand release)
400m Run
20 Bar Muscle-ups
40 Ring Dips
60 Toes to Bar
800m Run
60 Toes to Bar
40 Ring Dips
20 Bar Muscle-ups
400m Run
80 Push-ups (hand release)
(one person must hold handstand while team completes gymnastics)
80% 4×2
Clean + Jerk
80% 2+2, 2+2
85% 1+1, 1+1
Front Squat
80% 2×3
85% 3×2
Bench Press
4×5 -choose weight-
Wide Gripe Pull-ups or Lat Pull-down