3 rounds:
60m Sled Pull Shuttle
(alternate shuttles with a partner)
80m Farmers Carry
6 rounds:
20m Sled Push Shuttle
(alternate shuttles with a partner)
80m Farmers Carry
6 rounds:
20m Sled Push Shuttle
(alternate shuttles with a partner)
80m Farmers Carry
3 rounds:
60m Backwards Drag
(alternate shuttles with a partner)
3 waves:
70% 1×2
75% 1×1
80% 1×1
Clean + Jerk
70% 2(2+2)
75% 2+2
80% 2(2+2)
Pause Squat
60% 1×3
65% 1×3
70% 2×2
Nautilus Ab
3×15 (M)

“Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good action; try to use ordinary situations.”
~Jean Paul